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WeQaYa Association Facebook page

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WeQaYa Association Facebook page

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Description du produit

WeQaYa Association aims to spread health awareness diseases of concern to the Egyptian people and affecting it across multiple projects with volunteers in the medical field and train them on how to give a message via field awareness campaigns, seminars, conferences and other means The Association also aimed at early detection of diseases and refer patients to specialized treatment centers (such as oncology center in Mansoura and Damietta Center Oncology and Internal Medicine Specialist Hospital in Mansoura and other treatment centers) and follow-up of cases by the best medical specialists Our Association is interested in cooperation and coordination with other institutions, whether government, represented by the Ministry of Health, universities and other civil institutions of charities to spread health awareness among all Egyptians, which considers a duty of both the government and Civil institutions together WeQaYa Association plans geographically to spread health awareness through its projects in the provinces of Lower Egypt first and then the starting point for the rest of the provinces WeQaYa knows that this grand goal can be achieved only hard work and close cooperation between NGOs and governmental institution

Objectif et finalité

WeQaYa Association is the first organization specialized in the field of health awareness of the Egyptian society in the framework of innovation and excellence

For mechanical, electrical and sciences workshop trainings, students are warn on the need to be properly attired but often resulted on deaf ears.

Public cible

Egyptian Facebook users 18 - 50 y

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

WeQaYa Association
Omar Ibn Al khattab2 - Mansoura - Egypt , Egypt-35511 Mansoura

Coordonnées de la société de production

WeQaYa Association
Omar Ibn Al khattab2 - Mansoura - Egypt , Egypt-35511 Mansoura